Public Hearing and Possible Action on P20-0013 “Orchard Cove Rezone”, a request by Ralph Pew (Pew and Lake, PLC) for a Rezoning of approximately 3.44 acres from R1-43 to R1-5 for the development of a 12-lot subdivision, located north of the northwest corner of Signal Butte Road and Via Del Jardin. (Steven Ester, Planner I)
Public Hearing and Possible Action on P18-0201 "Ellsworth and Queen Creek PAD Rezone", a request from Sean Lake (Pew and Lake, PLC) to rezone from R1-43 to MU (Mixed Use) with a Planned Area Development (PAD) Overlay for a commercial development consisting of retail, office, and multi-family residential uses on approximately 45 acres, located at the southwest corner of Ellsworth and Queen Creek roads. (Steven Ester, Planner I)