Speed limits are based on engineering studies conducted during the planning stages of roadway development. Speed limits can be adjusted up or down based on vehicle counts, roadway improvements, rezoning and other factors that could hinder traffic flow or provide unsafe roadway conditions if not addressed. A certified engineer must conduct a traffic study before any speed limits can be changed.
Please fill out a Traffic Concern request on SeeClickFix to report areas where Speed Limits that may need to be adjusted.
Below is a list of a few typical Speed Limits you may see around Town:
Alleyways - 15mph
Business or Residential - 25mph
School Zones - 35mph
Roadways - 25mph, 30mph, 35mph, 40mph, 45mph, 55mph
Contrary to popular belief, lowering the Speed Limit in certain areas, or posting multiple Speed Limit signs, doesn't always lead to motorists slowing down or reducing accidents. Signage, roadway markings, roadway lanes/width, traffic flow and things such as lighting conditions play a key role into driving behavior.
Setting unrealistic low Speed Limits can have an adverse effect to what was planned. For instance, if the Speed Limit is 30mph and the average motorist drives 35mph, lowering the speed to 25mph would do more harm than good. In essence, it would make violators out of reasonable law-abiding citizens and also make police enforcement nearly impossible as nearly everyone would need a citation.