The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), published by the Federal Highway Administration is the nationally recognized standard for traffic control adopted by the Town of Queen Creek. When considering a School Speed Zone, the MUTCD requires that an engineering study define appropriate locations (Section 7B.11) and further recommends uniform application by way of policy to achieve reasonably safe and effective traffic control (Section 7A.01). Traffic Engineering has adopted policies consistent with the requirements and guidance of the MUTCD for evaluating School Speed Zones.2
School Speed Zones are only to be installed after a careful traffic engineering study of pedestrian routes, crossing activity, traffic volumes, vehicle speeds, and crash history indicates that the installation is appropriate. School walking routes and crosswalk locations are developed in the traffic study. School Speed Zones are encouraged where all of the following conditions exist:
- There is a school crosswalk with probable schoolchild pedestrian crossing activity that is not protected by a traffic signal or stop sign,
- The adjacent school is elementary level instruction, and
- The posted speed limit is less than 40 mph.2
School areas that do not meet these conditions should not have a school speed zone. For instance, in the following cases a school speed zone is discouraged:
- Street with slow travel speeds,
- Where crosswalks are controlled by a stop sign or traffic signal,
- When the school has no students who walk or ride bicycles to school (lack of pedestrian/bicycle accommodations or school policy prohibits students from walking or biking to school),
- If no children cross the roadway, or
- The posted speed limit is 40 mph or greater.2
Unnecessary school speed zones are often disrespected by drivers, thereby increasing crash frequency from greater speed differentials and creating a false sense of security for pedestrians. Furthermore, unnecessary school speed zones compromise the effectiveness and safety of appropriate school speed zones.2
2City of Lee’s Summit, Public Works Department, Engineering Division. Facts about School Speed Zones. Retrieved from