Queen Creek, AZ
Home MenuEducational Outreach Interest Form
Are you interested in having the Town of Queen Creek Public Works Department come out to your school for educational outreach?
The Public Works Department is excited to provide an educational outreach program for students throughout the Town of Queen Creek. The Public Works Department recognizes the value of engaging with students through interactive Q & A sessions, captivating presentations, and touch-a-truck opportunities where students can physically touch vehicles and pieces of equipment used in the field. With a nation-wide labor and skill shortage in the public works sector, we're hopeful programs such as these help to inspire the next generation of public works leaders and skilled workers.
The Town's Public Works Department is involved in tasks such as: managing the Town's traffic engineering infrastructure, roadway repairs / street maintenance, repairing and maintaining the Town's fleet of vehicles, reducing contamination in the Town's recycling stream, to maintaining and making improvements to all Town owned buildings.
The Town's Public Works Department consists of 6 divisions: Environmental Services, Facilities, Fleet Services, Pavement Preservation, Streets, Traffic Engineering
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