Due to declining sales tax revenues, the MAG Transportation Policy Committee will be considering potential changes to the 20-year Regional Transportation Plan. Affected projects could include freeway and transit projects currently funded through the half-cent sales tax. You are invited to attend a transportation public meeting being held jointly by the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG), the Arizona Department of Transportation and Valley Metro. Residents are encouraged to provide input on the proposed changes in advance of committee action. The meeting will include presentations on the following:
- Status of the MAG Regional Transportation Plan 2010 Update and the MAG FY 2011-2015 Transportation Improvement Program
- Regional Freeway Program Update
- Regional Transit Program Update
Your participation is encouraged and appreciated. For more information, or to arrange special disability accommodations, please contact Jason Stephens, MAG public involvement planner, at 602-452-5004. Parking in the garage below the MAG building will be validated, and transit tickets will be provided to those who use transit to attend the meeting. To provide input via e-mail, send your comments to jstephens@mag.maricopa.gov.