Do you have trash & recycling services through the Town of Queen Creek? Did you know there are FREE recycling events you can participate in each year?
Accepted Items:
Appliances - Refrigerators, dishwashers, washers, dryers, stoves, etc.
Electronics- Computers, hard drives, computer keyboards, power supply, monitors, TVs, VCRs, etc.
Metals- Steel, copper, aluminum
Tires- Up to four tires with the rims removed
Document Shredding- Five (5) box limit per vehicle. We are not able to accept material from commercial businesses. Materials stored in secure, locked containers and transferred to a document shredding facility.
Paint- Latex or water-based only. No oil-based or commercial paint. Must be in original container, labeled with a closed lid. Containers cannot exceed five gallons in size.
Household Hazardous Waste, Oils, Chemicals, Air Conditioners, Batteries or Mattresses
Visit us at for more information on recycling in Queen Creek.